February 28, 2010

Ry Ry is "8" Today!!!


It really seems just like yesterday that I went to go visit Michele in the hospital after she had Ryland, little did we realize what a ginormous personality that was about to join the family! He just amazes me everytime I see him and I am just so impressed with his talents, his humor and quick wit (which at times gets him into trouble...lol). Ryland isn't afraid to be himself and he is very confident in who he is and I think that is just one of his many great qualities. I have lots of fun memories of Ry but one of my recent favorites was when I was there visiting with my sister and we were trying to get Ryland to go to sleep and I was reading to him in his room and he was very restless and telling me that his neck was sore (he is a gymnast so he gets sore muscles quite a bit now) so I told him that I would rub his neck for him. He was lying on his back and I was working on the knots in his neck and he all of sudden says "That feels great, where did you learn to do that!" I just started laughing and told him I went to massage school and learned it from there. I continued to rub out the knots and within just a few minutes he was fast asleep! I look forward to seeing Ryland grow and to see all the great things he will accomplish in this life.


Love you tons, Auntie Erin


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