November 15, 2011

A Fresh Start

It's been quite a long time since my last confession...oops I meant post. I always plan on being more consistent and then well, life gets in the way and I just have to make a fresh start.

This past weekend my little brother got married. It was the coolest wedding! It was so fun to see my brother so happy and feel so lucky that he found his wife Scarlett. As a sister, you not only want your siblings to find someone they love but someone that will love they dearly back and treat them well. Greg found that in Scarlett. They compliment each other and best of all, her wit blends in well with the McCann Clan.

The night before the wedding Lauren and I were hanging out in my brother Jerry's hotel room just talking with my sister-in-law Melanie and my niece Malia. As we were talking about the wedding stuff, Malia asks "Auntie Erin, when are you getting married?" I wanted to say "Oh, if I had a dime..." but I didn't. I just smiled and said "one day." And one day it will happen, and it will be great, and seeing how in love Greg and Scarlett are, that's what I am willing to wait for. So thank you for reminding me how grand love is and how waiting for the right one is totally worth it!


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