June 5, 2009

My History Trip

5/21/09- Our first stop was Kirtland Ohio. Lauren, Luke and I went to the Kirtland visitors' center. It is here that we realized that we forgot Luke's suitcase with all his clothes, diapers etc., it is also here that we got permission to buy him new clothes, diapers etc.., it was such a sacrifice (NOT!):).

We went into the visitors center and were quickly invited to go on the tour. The man told us that we would be done in time to take the Kirtland temple tour as well.

It was a great experience to see the history and feel the spirit of all that had transpired there. I took lots of pictures, but won't be able to fit all of them so here are just a few of my favorites.

Later we were able to get a tour of the Kirtland temple. It was quite an experience seeing the temple where such great church events happened and the grounds were just beautiful. It was also fun to have Lauren's father-in-law Dennis join us and help with Luke while we toured.


June 3, 2009

" How Lucky Am I ?"

I got really lucky a month or two ago and was able to find a cheap ticket online to go visit my little sis and my adorable nephew...oh and Andrew. :) (just teasing Andrew). I was so excited to see them and be able to spoil my nephew. My sister emailed me and told me she thought it would be fun to see some church history sites while we were there. I agreed since I had never seen Kirtland or Palmyra.

I arrived on Wednesday night. By the time I arrived there, Luke was already sleeping. I had to wait till morning to start hugging and playing with him.

I got my chance Thursday morning and let me just say, Luke is just so sweet and fun and adorable to no end.

I think we bonded pretty quickly.


Duct Tape Fixes Everything

You will have to forgive me for the flood of updates that I will be doing! I have lots, so you're in for some fun reading!!!

A few weeks ago my sister Carol and I and her kids made a trip back to our hometown of San Jose, California. I was really nervous about driving my car. You see it is on it's last leg. The brakes aren't too good, the shocks are pretty much gone and my windshield seal is separating from around the edges causing air to seep in. I knew that we needed to be there and so I said a prayer that all would work out. I even prayed with Trestyn, Dakota and Jaxson the next day just to be safe.

So off we went and my car was doing fine till right before Lovelock. I could hear air seeping in getting louder and was in fear the windshield would come flying off. We stopped to get something to eat and my sister asked me what was wrong with my windshield. I looked and the rubber seal was coming off. I pressed it down and hoped it would hold on, but about 10 minutes after we started driving again, it was coming undone and I had to stop to put it back. I called my sister and asked her to stop in the next town that had a auto shop or repair place so we could see about fixing it.

So as we are driving along, I am thinking how much is this going to cost and how long will it take? I was worried that it would delay us, when all of a sudden a thought popped into my head! "Duct Tape!" "Duct Tape Fixes Everything!!" I got this clear vision of just sealing my window with duct tape! Memories of my dad using it to fix broken appliances, as a quick fix for broken toys, to wrap up a broken bone...o.k. that last one is not necessarily right, but he really did use it for lots of things!

I called my sister to tell her the news! We decided to just pull off at the next town (which was Lovelock) and find a store with the tape. We took the exit and within a couple of right turns we found an ACE hardware store!!! I mean how cool is that! I parked my car and hurried in the store and asked for a heavy glue and the ever wonderful super DUCT tape. I bought it and ran out and ripped over the package of glue and sealed the rubber down and then cover both sides of my windshield with the duct tape. After finishing I looked at my sister and said "Dad would be proud!"

We were on our way again and never had a problem after that. I made it to California and back with windshield intact!

I told Trestyn that Heavenly Father was listening to our prayers and provided a way for us to get where we were going and it was in the form a amazing, silver colored tape.


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