My History Trip
5/21/09- Our first stop was Kirtland Ohio. Lauren, Luke and I went to the Kirtland visitors' center. It is here that we realized that we forgot Luke's suitcase with all his clothes, diapers etc., it is also here that we got permission to buy him new clothes, diapers etc.., it was such a sacrifice (NOT!):).
We went into the visitors center and were quickly invited to go on the tour. The man told us that we would be done in time to take the Kirtland temple tour as well.
It was a great experience to see the history and feel the spirit of all that had transpired there. I took lots of pictures, but won't be able to fit all of them so here are just a few of my favorites.
Later we were able to get a tour of the Kirtland temple. It was quite an experience seeing the temple where such great church events happened and the grounds were just beautiful. It was also fun to have Lauren's father-in-law Dennis join us and help with Luke while we toured.
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