Every year I resolve to make the coming year the very best! I make a goal to get up every morning at 6:00 a.m. and exercise for an hour and a half and eat more fruits and veggies, cut out sweets etc. I make a goal to read more, rest more and become smarter. I am very succesful at it as long as I don't wake up!!! Yup, the minute that alarm goes off, I hit the snooze and resolve to start again the next day....well, let's just say that my snooze button is getting more of a workout than I am!
But, I'm also persistant, so the New Year begins again and so do my resolutions. :) Here is just a few that I plan to accomplish this year.
1. Train and finish a sprint triathalon
2. Learn French
3. Be able to play 2 songs on the guitar
4. Write a short story
5. Be on the cover of Shape magazine (hey, it's my list, I can say whatever I want!)
6. Travel back to France. I would go to Ireland or Austria as well.
7. Pay off most of my debt!! (this one will for sure get accomplished)
8. Be a more loving, giving and happy person!
So I have a lot to work on. If you have any tips, I welcome them. Don't promise I will use them, but I will also listen! :)
Congratulations! You're becoming a great blogger. That should be included in your list of goals.
Have you desided what the short story will be about?
Okay, why is it always after you hit enter you realize you spelled something wrong?
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